Why do we need to soak our food before cooking?

You might see people soaking grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds for a certain period of time before cooking. Why do they do that? What will happen to our body if we eat food without soaking them? Watch to find out! #STEMvee

[Video Description: Afro-Latino brown-skinned man wears a teal long-sleeve shirt, has a small afro hairstyle, and has a tiny patch of hair in the center of his chin (soul patch). The background has white/peach walls.

2:11 – An image of a phytic acid compound (C6H18O24P6). The compound consists of a cyclohexane with an oxygen atom bonded to each of the carbon atoms in the hexane and a dihydrogen phosphate group bonded to each of these bonded oxygen atoms.

2:52 – An image of a phosphate group (PO4H2). The group has a phosphorus atom in the center and it is singly bonded to two hydroxide anions, is doubly bonded to an oxygen atom, and is singly bonded to an oxygen atom that is also bonded to an R group.

5:01 – An image of a phytic acid compound (C6H18O24P6). The compound consists of a cyclohexane with an oxygen atom bonded to each of the carbon atoms in the hexane and a phosphate group bonded to each of these bonded oxygen atoms.

5:56 – An image of a phytic acid compound (C6H18O24P6). The compound consists of a cyclohexane with an oxygen atom bonded to each of the carbon atoms in the hexane and a monohydrogen phosphate group bonded to each of these bonded oxygen atoms. Each phosphate group has two oxygen anions trapping a metallic ion. Colored bubbles represent metallic ions: green = calcium (Ca), blue = zinc (Zn), orange = iron (Fe), pink = magnesium (Mg).]

Transcript: Hi, My name is Franly (Signed a letter, F on the neck). I would like to discuss the topic focusing on the reasons behind a soaking process is imperative before cooking. For instance, you may notice the different cultural cuisines and food preparation. The food typically is soaked with either water, vinegar, or another liquid until the desirable time is met. After that, the soaked foods can proceed to cook. In addition, grains (i.e. rice, oats, buckwheats, etc.), legumes (i.e. beans and lentils), and raw nuts or any edible seeds must have a soaking process in water, vinegar, or other liquids. This step is essential to process before cooking. Will this process enhance the flavors? The soaking process actually has health reasons with scientific support. Moreover, Dominican Republic, Pakistan, Japan, and Morocco practice soaking the rice before cooking. Soaking the grains of rice or oats, beans, and lentils in water is an a-must practice in these countries. The time length of the germination process for grains (rice) and legumes (beans) is variable. The time length could be from a minimum of 20 minutes to overnight. It goes the same for raw nuts. A chemical compound called phytic acid. The compound structure contains cyclohexane and has 6 phosphate groups. Phosphorus has the ability to have an excessive number of covalent bonds with multiple atoms at the same time. Phosphorus binds two oxygen atoms and two hydroxyl groups, which makes a phosphate group. I encourage you to look at the picture of the phytic acid structure. In the absence of human influences such as herbicides/pesticides or genetic modification on the natural environment, phytic acid is a natural compound that resides in the seeds. It helps the seeds to retain vital nutrients and survive the external environment. The seeds also need a lot of phosphorus to be able to grow. After seed growth succeeds, the crops will be harvested. But, the crops still retain phytic acids. Hence, phytic acids need to be removed from the crops. Why is that necessary? What will happen to the digestive system in the human body? After ingesting raw foods containing phytic acid, two hydroxyl group in the phosphate group donates H proton to an acidic environment (stomach acid). Hydroxyl groups end up becoming ionized oxygen in the phosphate. It moved into the small intestinal. The particular function of the small intestinal is to absorb nutrients which are dietary elements (minerals) and vitamins. Mineral, for example, has earth metal ions that carry cations such as Zinc (Zn2+), Iron (Fe 3+), Magnesium (Mg2+), etc. Phytic acid with ionized oxygen atoms chelated the metal ions by capturing the cationic metal ion in the middle of the cyclohexane. The villi of the small intestinal are not able to absorb cationic metal ions and the phytic acid-capturing metal ion will go to human waste. Therefore, the body doesn’t receive minerals containing cationic metal ions. Phytic acid chelated the metal ion called phytate. That’s the primary reason for the soaking process. The soaking process induces the release of phytic acid including the breakdown of bonds from foods which significantly reduces the amount of phytic acid retainment. The heat will degrade the phytic acid during cooking. The reduction of phytic acid allows the villi of the small intestinal to increase mineral absorption avoiding mineral deficiency. Thank you for watching!

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