Week 10 – Recruit a friend to help

This week’s #opttoact week 10 is all about recruiting friends to join the cause with you. Recruited TraciAnn Hoglind, the founder of Health Signs Center!

Transcript: This week’s #opttoact is to recruit a friend! This will double your impact on reducing climate change! Convince a friend to join this #opttoact challenge or share these 5 tips with them! Whats the first one?! TraciAnn: Educate yourself through reading and learning! Alicia: Second, recognize your impact on the environment. Third TraciAnn: Take a step back and look at the big picture of how your impact matters Alicia: Fourth, recognize your superpower skills and how to use them to reduce your impact on climate change. Last… Traciann: Become an advocate to create change in our world! Alicia: If you can find one person to join you in reducing the impact of climate change, then you can really make a powerful impact, right? TraciAnn: Right! I look forward to seeing these changes!



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