Acid, alkaline, and base in human body

How do food types (acidic, alkaline, or basic) affect our body’s pH? Take a look! #STEMvee

[Video Description: Afro-Latino brown-skinned man wears a black V-neck t-shirt, has a small afro hairstyle, and has a short beard (stubble) with a tiny patch of hair in the center of his chin (soul patch). The background has a white wall.]

Transcript: Hi Greetings! The topic is Acid vs Alkaline or Base. You see so many people made posts, vlogs, or blogs about encouraging customers to what to eat on the food list. Functional medicine practitioners, conventional doctors, and organic farmers also mentioned the list of what foods are good to eat and what other foods need to be avoided for certain meal schedules on breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They provide the tools and resources on how to take care of the body and balanced diets. Yet, Why are these resources so important for us to know in the first place? Let’s look at our current chemistry knowledge about acids and alkaline. Acid is any chemical compound that donates hydrogen protons to an environment (water in the cup). H+ ion in water makes an acidic environment. H+ ions could travel to find any chemical compound that carries anion (negative charges). The compound with anion accepts an H+ ion and acts as a base. There are some bases in the water. Once the H+ ion binds to the basic compound in the water, it is a neutral environment. What about alkaline? So, it tends to mix with water. Alkaline acts the same function as a base, but the measurement is different. The technique to measure the compounds in the environment for acid and base is called the pH scale. pH stands for the potential of hydrogen. pH scale range for acid is between 0 and 6.9. It indicates a high concentration of H+ ions in the environment. pH 7.0 is perfectly neutral which is an equal concentration between acid and base. Lastly, between pH 7.1 and 14 is the high concentration of basic compounds in the environment. Although there is still debate ongoing about the pH range for the alkaline measurement, the most common pH scale for alkaline is between 7.5 to 8.5. pH 7.1 also considers alkaline in water. Do you want to know what the human body’s pH preference is? The body prefers pH 7.35. The metabolic function is optimized in the human body without any kind of stress. The body naturally becomes acidic during sleeping overnight. Once the body digests the foods, it will return to pH 7.35 or could stay in an acidic condition depending on what you eat the foods from one meal. For instance, if you eat heavy sugar-based foods for breakfast, it leads your body to stay acidic. Some foods are acidic and can become alkaline, which is up to pH 7.5, after ingestion. Alkaline foods never exceed pH 7.5. If you ingest excessive alkaline-based foods, then they can exceed pH 7.5 in the body. Balanced diets on a regular schedule will maintain a pH 7.5 on their own. The body doesn’t experience the catastrophic pH imbalance through the blood’s work. The blood has its pH mechanism to detect either too acidic or too many alkaline compounds in the body. Blood releases minerals, alkaline compounds, etc to stabilize the pH scale. That’s why the food list is important. If you have a disease relating to small intestinal disease, IBS (irritated bowel syndrome), or chronic diarrhea, then the small intestinal becomes imbalanced. It significantly impacts pH balance. To support your body, it prefers pH 7.35 which means following on what would foods be helpful. Acidic foods sometimes can help the body improve its alkaline condition by conversion after digestion. Raw lemon juice, for example, originally is pH 2 (acidic). However, the pH in lemon juice can be turned into an alkalinized agent (around pH 7.5) when it mixes with water. That’s the reason why many people advertise alkalinized and acidic food lists for people with digestive issues or low energy production. It is important for people to be aware of what foods will have an impact on their digestive system. Thank you.

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