Week 12 – Reduce single-use plastic items

Today’s #opttoact Week 12! What will we do?! Cut down the number of single-use plastic items you used last week in half.

Transcript: Today’s #opttoact Week 12! What will we do?! Remember the #opttoact Week 11 video you watched last week about counting how many single-use plastic items you were using, try to cut that number in half this week. Last week, I counted approximately 15 single-use plastics for myself. Ask yourself how many plastic items did you use? Do not be embarrassed by the number you got. The number simply serves as a reference for you to recognize how many you have used and use the experience to help you cut down the amount. With the current Coronavirus COVID-19 situation, we saw a rise in single-use plastic in restaurants, cafes, and stores, thus making it difficult for us to avoid plastics. In the midst of everything, take a moment to remind yourself that this situation will go away but the plastics will not as many of the plastics take hundreds of years to decompose. We must remain diligent in trying our best to cut down the amount of plastic we use even when our surroundings do not make it easy for us to do so. Stay safe and make smart choices for ourselves and for the environment.



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