Week 21 – Explore without a car

Explore more without using your car!

[Video Description: First shot shows the lower portion of Alicia with dark blue shoes and black leggings walking on a concrete pavement. Second shot shows a red car and Alicia holding up her car keys. Third shot shows her walking out of her driveway, towards the main road. Fourth shot shows Alicia, an Asian woman with straight brown hair. She is wearing a teal/white baseball tee with a bison on the front. There is text written on the bison saying “Explore More.” The background shows a brick wall with a patch of green grass underneath.]

Transcript: Today, I decided not to use my car and walk instead. This week’s #opttoact is to.. explore more! Does this mean getting in your car and driving to your destination? No! Instead of using your car, walk, ride a bike, or rollerblade to your destination. The EPA, Environmental Protection Agency estimates that 29% of all greenhouse gases come from transportation. So, this week and on, try to not use your car once or twice a week and instead ride a bike! This week and month you can celebrate National Bike Month. At the same time, this will let you get a workout in and reduce environmental pollution.



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