Week 19 – Wash your clothes less

This week’s #opttoact focuses on washing clothes less! Wear jeans a few time before washing. Less micro plastics in our oceans!

[Video Description: Alicia, an Asian woman with straight brown hair, is sitting on and wearing a red ¾ sleeve shirt in front of a beige background with 2 plants on one side.]

Transcript: Today is week 19 of #opttoact! As we continue to stay home social distancing to protect those around us, you may have noticed you are using less clothes. You might not even remember what jeans are! If you are still wearing your jeans, try not to wash them for one month. Every year, about 1.5 million tons of microplastics end up in the ocean and 35% of that comes from washing synthetic textiles…like jeans. Synthetic fibers examples are polyester, acrylic, spandex, and rayon. So, how do we reduce the number of microplastics? Wash your clothes less, and when you do wash, avoid delicate cycles. Delicate cycles use twice as much water and release more microplastics. You can also reduce microplastics by purchasing clothings with natural fibers such as cotton, hemp, and wool. So two points to remember, buy fewer clothes, and wash wash only when necessary!



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