Week 17 – Celebrate Earth Day

Celebrate Earth Day as part of this week’s #opttoact!

Transcript: This week’s #opttoact is about Earth Day. Earth Day is on Wednesday April 22. We’ve been doing this #opttoact for 17 weeks and all of this celebrates everything that Earth Day stands for. But you can still do more for our earth! All day every day! Some things may seem familiar like learning how to compost, counting your plastic use, recruiting a friend, and eating a plant based meal. Even with this stay at home order, we can still participate in Earth Day? How? Look for free online webinars celebrating earth day. Take this week to speak up about what you’re doing to make Earth a healthier place. If you have kids, encourage them to learn more about our world and create eco art from repurposed materials around the house. Throughout the day, check out earthday.org where they will have a new activity you can do every hour for 24 hours. FInally, make sure you are registered to vote for representatives that support taking care of our planet!



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