STEMsigns: Volume

Demystifying volume: Liquid volume vs cubic volume. What’s the difference? Do we sign them differently? Watch to find out!

Until next time, stay curious! 🌟

#STEMsigns #Volume #Liquid #Cubic #measurement

Video Description: Barbara, a white woman wearing a black long-sleeve shirt, is standing with a grey background. White font appear on the top left as Barbara signs liquid volume, cubic volume, unit (measurement). Images appear on the top right as Barbara signs: a cup being filled with water, a pool being filled by a hose, a measuring cup being filled with water, a yellow/blue/red cube getting bigger, and the cube being outlined to measure cubic units (V=a^3).

Transcript: Today’s #STEMsigns are: liquid volume, cubic volume, unit (measurement). Let’s dive into the world of volume – not the volume on your TV, but the kind that fills up space! So, what exactly is volume? Well, think of it as the amount of space something takes up. It’s like when you fill a balloon with air – the more air you pump in, the bigger the balloon gets. That increase in size is due to an increase in volume! Today we will discuss two kinds of volume. First, liquid volume. Picture your favorite drink in a glass or even something bigger – like a swimming pool! The amount of space that liquid occupies, whether it’s in a glass or a pool, is its liquid volume. It’s basically how much of that liquid you’ve got! Imagine pouring water into a measuring cup – that’s a simple way to measure liquid volume. Whether it’s milliliters, liters, or ounces, gallons, we’re talking about how much liquid something can hold. Now, imagine filling up a massive pool on a hot day. That will take thousands to millions of gallons (or liters) of water! Liquid volume is essential for recipes in the kitchen, filling up your water bottle, or even measuring how much gas your car tank can hold. It’s everywhere!

Now, let’s shift gears to cubic volume. This one’s a bit different. Instead of liquids, we’re talking about the space occupied by a solid object – like a box or a cube. Imagine you have a magic expanding box. As it grows, the increase in space inside represents an increase in cubic volume! Cubic volume is measured in cubic units by multiplying its length, width, and height. It’s like asking, “How many little cubes can fit inside this bigger cube?” So, whether it’s centimeters, inches, or any other unit, we’re talking about the three-dimensional space something takes up. So, there you have it! Volume – the amount of space something takes up. Liquid volume for your drinks or filling up a pool, and cubic volume for solid objects like our magical cube. Next time you’re pouring a drink or stacking blocks, just remember, you’re playing with volume!



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