Opening a Cork with a Hair Straightener or Lighter

Have you seen this hack, using a hair straightener or lighter to open a cork in a bottle? Does it work? Yes! But why? How? It’s pretty fascinating!

The new #TheMoreYouKnow series scientifically explains trending videos and popular hacks! Let us know if you have a video you’ve seen that you want to learn more about!

#TheMoreYouKnow #258STEMFacts #STEMinASL #WineCork #Pressure

ID: Alicia is wearing a black shirt sitting in front of tiktok videos playing in the background. She signs as captions appear. The first tiktok video shows a close up of a heated hair straightener on the neck of a wine bottle and the cork slowly moves up and pops out. At 0:30, an image appears on the top: left shows red air molecules spread out “HOT AIR” while the right shows blue air molecules together “COLD AIR.” The second tiktok video shows a lighter flame held against the neck of the bottle and the cork slowly pops out. At 0:57, a white background appears with repeating red text: “The more you know.” The closing video shows white background with blue text: Enjoyed this video? Black text: Please consider donating; your support will help keep our content & resources FREE! Green button with black text: Image of an iPhone with Atomic Hands’ menu webpage shows with menu options: ASL STEM Storybooks, ASL STEM Videos, ASL STEM Resources, ASL STEM Dictionaries, ASL STEM News, ASL STEM Events, and Deaf STEMist Network.

Transcript: This is a cool video that shows how the heat from a hair straightener placed on the neck of a wine bottle makes the cork pop out! How does this work? There are air molecules inside the wine bottle. At room temperature, these molecules “float” around in the air. Heat from a hair straightener or a lighter causes the air molecules inside the bottle to move quickly, which then increases the volume size to expand. This expanded air needs to get out somehow, so what happens? The pressure pushes the cork out. Make sure to experiment with caution, because molecules of the glass and heat may cause an explosion. The more you know!



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