First Black female astronaut – Mae Jemison

How much do you know about Dr. Mae Jemison? Learn more about her from Emmanuel Perrodin-Njoku!

Over the next few days we will be sharing 6 videos from Emmanuel on different Black STEMists in past and current history! Are you a Black Deaf STEMist and you’d like to make a video related to STEM? Let us know! #STEM #BlackSTEMist #BlackInSTEM #STEMEducation #MaeJemison #ASL #DeafEducation #BlackLivesMatter #STEMLearning #Academics4BlackLives #Black #DeafScientist #BlackDeafScientist

Transcript: Hello! My name is Emmanuel Perrodin-Njoku. I’m currently a post-bacculaureate researcher, which means I’ve finished undergraduate school and am currently doing research before I work on my next step in my career, which is applying and going to medical school to become a physician. Today, I will be sharing some interesting facts about some Black people in STEM! Mae Jemison is an astronaut and doctor. In 1992, Dr. Jemison boarded the Endeavour and rocketed into orbit, making her the first Black woman in space. But long before that historic event, she was a graduate of Stanford University with a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering. After that, she went to Cornell University Medical College and got her M.D. in 1981. Later she began working as a Peace Corps medical officer while teaching and performing medical research. Later, she applied to NASA’s astronaut training program and became one of 15 candidates from an applicant pool of over 2,000 people. Dr. Jemison now holds 9 honorary doctorate degrees in science and is also a dancer!



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