Black engineer – Frank Greene

Learn more about a technology innovator, Franke Greene, from Emmanuel Perrodin-Njoku! This is video 5/6 from Emmanuel on different Black STEMists. If you need captions, you can turn them on.
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Transcript: Frank Greene has been hailed as one of the first black technologists, helping to expand the idea of who could innovate in the technology sector. Having extensively studied electrical engineering, he earned his Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and PhD degrees in electrical engineering by 1970. In the time between receiving his Master’s and receiving his PhD, Dr. Greene served the US Air Force as an Electronics Officer, helping develop high performance computers for the National Security Agency. He even worked in research and development for Fairchild Semiconductor, where he helped develop a memory chip, which was the fastest at the time, and holds the patent for it. After receiving his PhD, he became the founding CEO of Technology Development Corporation, a computer software and technical services company, which grew and thrived, producing offshoot technology companies. In the course of his life, Dr. Greene taught electrical engineering and computer science for five universities, founded multiple technology companies, and, in 2001, was one of the few dozen people to be inducted into the Silicon Valley Hall of Fame.



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