STEM Sign Language Summit

March 2, 2024


In Person Event

Washington D.C.


Hosted by Gallaudet University. We are excited to welcome everyone who is interested in STEM sign language lexicons – deaf and hard of hearing students who are majoring in STEM, STEM deaf and hard of hearing professionals, K-12 teachers, STEM college professors, interpreters, educational researchers, linguists, anthropologists, and the like!

The Summit will take place over four days (March 2-5, 2024) and will have five broad tracks:

  • Education (both K-12 and higher education)
  • Interpreting in STEM
  • Development and dissemination of STEM signs
  • Sustainability of STEM sign language lexicons
  • Research by deaf and hard of hearing scientists

Summit logistics

Registration is now open and is only $50 to register.  We will be accepting abstracts for presentations and posters soon and the deadline will be December 1, 2023.

Travel stipends will be available to graduate students and international attendees.



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