Week 22 – Modify your drink choices

Today’s #opttoact Week 22! What will we do?! We will take a closer look at our favorite beverage choices.

[Video Description: Barbara, a white woman with curly red hair, is wearing a dark purple long sleeved sweater with silver hooped earrings. She is sitting in front of a white background. In the top left, there is a photo of a tulip field during a sunset hanging on the wall.]

Transcript: Today’s #opttoact Week 22! What will we do?! We will take a closer look at our favorite beverage choices. Our most favored brews may have a large carbon footprint, and there’s something we can do to reduce it. Whether you prefer coffee, tea, beer, wine or spirits, there are a few factors which can influence your purchasing. For beer, use a growler for re-fills to minimize packaging waste. You can think of a growler as beer’s version of a reusable shopping bag. Also, consider buying aluminum beer cans instead of glass, which are lighter to transport and will consume less carbon. If you’re into wine, consider winemakers who are active in LIVE certification. Winemakers with the certification run their business sustainably. Which means the winemakers preserve and protect the environment, and implement quality worker health and safety standards while conducting their business For coffee and tea, opt for bulk purchasing and bring your own container, since most coffee and tea bags are not recyclable. And look for icons like Rainforest Alliance or Fair Trade Certified, which requires businesses to promote sustainable practices and safe working conditions for farmers and workers.



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